Can You Tell When Your Grease Filter Needs Cleaning? 3 Signs to Look Out For

11 January 2021
 Categories: Business, Blog

The grease trap is one of the vital components of the commercial kitchen. Since a commercial kitchen produces food in large volumes, it also makes a lot of waste food containing grease in the process. If the oil were to flow down the drainage system, it would lead to clogs and blockages that would create a health hazard in your kitchen.

Many people forget to clean their grease traps, and if the trap goes out of commission, you might be forced to shut down your commercial kitchen for a while. Before you get to the point where your business experiences downtime, you should watch out for signs of grease filter problems and call for help.

When You Have Bad Smells Coming From the Drainage

The first way you will know that your grease filter has problems is through the sinks' smells. When the trap fills up, rotten food particles also start accumulating in it. The smell coming from the decomposing food particles escapes through the kitchen sink. 

If you realise that your kitchen has a bad smell that does not seem to go away despite the amount of cleaning that you do, call a professional to check the trap's condition and clean it.

When You Start Experiencing Slow Draining

Slow draining is the second indicator that your grease filter might have problems. When the grease trap gets dirty, it blocks water flow from the sink to the wastewater system. When the water stops flowing as it should, it might start backing up the system. As a result, when you pour water down the drain, it will take unusually long to drain out of the system. 

Note that if you do not have the grease filter cleaned in time, it might completely block, completely stopping the drainage of water from the system.

When The Filter Has Excess Oil

You will also know that the filter is dirty when it has excess oil. The filter is designed to work on the principle that fat is less dense than water. When greasy water enters the tap, the water should settle at the bottom, while the oil floats at the top. 

If the bottom of the trap has food particles, the drainage process will be slow, leading to excess oil accumulation at the top.

Call professional cleaners for grease filter cleaning as soon as you notice these signs. They will help fix your trap and protect your kitchen from shutting down.  
